Happy Baby [Level 1]

  There are 8 techniques you should learn before this one. Click here to add this tie as a goal and see them in order.

Notes and Resources:

Tie a single column around one thigh in a seated position. Have your bottom lean forward between their knees, then bring the rope across their back (with tension) to the opposite thigh, and tie a captured overhand cuff. Roll them onto their back, and you've got a leg position similar to the "Happy Baby" yoga pose.


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    PaulineReage | Jan 9th, 2018 4:17pm PST #

    I have the impression that the captured overhand cuff in this video is of the constricting kind. The first time the rope goes around it goes through the overhand knot and that's great, but the second time around you don't run it through the loop of the overhand knot. As a result, when the model pulls with her/his leg, the rope around the leg tightens. It's easy to fix, you just need to run all three turns through the overhand knot, and then fix it with a knot of your preference. I might be mistaken, so please correct me if I got it wrong.

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      PaulineReage | Jan 9th, 2018 4:21pm PST #

      Sorry, I watched again, and I am indeed mistaken. My apologies.

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      felixdartmouth | Aug 20th, 2018 4:33am PDT #

      Does anyone have a recommended way to bind the wrists for this position?

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        BravoTango | Jan 13th, 2019 9:24am PST #

        I like double culumn wrist to ankle with this.

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        tinytatertot | Dec 2nd, 2020 2:30pm PST #

        I was just trying to do this the other day! who knew it was an actual tie! MY one question would how to make it so the rope doesn't slip off in the back, just make it shorter I presume? Thanks!

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