Gravity Boot [Level 7]

  There are 36 techniques you should learn before this one. Click here to add this tie as a goal and see them in order.

Notes and Resources:

This tie was invented by Jack Elfrink, one of the preeminent knot geeks in the bondage community back in the early 2000s. His original method used a clever knot at the end unique to this tie; but that tutorial is no longer available, and it's more common now to finish it like a standard column tie. This video shows a version finished with a Somerville Bowline, which appears to be Jack approved.

There's also an old Kink Academy video of me tying this.


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    iluvuninja | Dec 12th, 2018 11:13am PST #

    First link down.

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      Topologist | Feb 2nd, 2019 5:42pm PST #

      Thanks, fixed.

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      Lexaa | Jan 29th, 2019 12:58pm PST #

      Neither link seems to be working for me.

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        Rahere | Apr 11th, 2019 8:41pm PDT #

        It's actually a translation into rope of a classic medical bandaging technique. There, the standing end of a 2-3" bandage is started under the wrap on the insole, and then figure-8ed around the ankle, before the end is buried in the gap at the top alongside the tendon. I'm adding this as it can be a useful foundation reinforcement when working with someone whose skin is less robust.

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          Iboptu | Jul 3rd, 2020 1:22am PDT #


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            Bibeauty | Jul 23rd, 2020 12:49pm PDT #

            Is this safe for suspensions?

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              Topologist | Jul 23rd, 2020 2:01pm PDT #

              Gravity boots can definitely be used for suspension; how safe it is depends on the individual and how it's used. For ankle inversions, most but not all people find a gravity boot more comfortable than a column tie. However, ankle inversions have a lot of inherent risks, regardless of the tie used.

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                Bibeauty | Jul 23rd, 2020 3:04pm PDT #

                Thanks so much!

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