Daruma Shibari [Level 8]

Notes and Resources:

One of the most difficult positions for suspension. The first time I saw this done (or heard the term) was by Ren Yagami and Gorgone, as pictured together here. Here's another example.


  1. userpic
    Rahere | Apr 11th, 2019 7:52pm PDT #

    Daruma is a Japanese reference to Bodhidharma, an avatar of the Buddha, iconising a monk who after spending many years in constant meditation discovered his arms and legs had atrophied away. A Good Luck doll in that pure-torso form is sometimes used as a focus of ambitions.

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      Driagan | Jun 6th, 2020 6:53pm PDT #

      The "other" link seems to lead to a 404. Maybe the picture was removed from fetlife?

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      1. userpic
        Topologist | Jun 9th, 2020 3:19pm PDT #

        Thanks, yeah, looks like it's gone; removed broken link.

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