Using This Site

Various Uses

As a Structured Course

The content here is currently undergoing reorganization into a more linear format, with the goal of eventually forming a kind of "book with videos" that can, if desired, be followed start-to-finish as a guide through useful bondage techniques at every level. That is, however, very much a work in progress.

Not everything I talk about here has a video done by me; where there are good existing resources, or where I haven't gotten around to making videos, I'll link to external content, or explain things with words as best I can. Even still, for now, there will be some holes.

As a Reference

If you click in the search box, you'll notice that it comes up with a list of categories. These categories are a good way to discover a variety of techniques related to a particular topic of interest.

Also pay attention to the "Show Related Ties" button at the bottom of each tie page; that provides another way to explore a topic area, independent of the linear progression.

As a Classroom Resource

If you are teaching bondage, I welcome and encourage use of Crash Restraint to support your teaching. When I teach in-person classes, I almost always have students review some online material before the class; I find this helps support a variety of learning styles, and makes class time much more productive. Having online materials for review after a class also helps cement learning. You are welcome to use this site for those purposes!

Please link to this site, rather than copying content to some other location. If you would like to make my content available in another language, please contact me to coordinate (I'm also working on features to facilitate this better).

Learning from Videos on Crash Restraint

A few tips for using the video content on this site:

  • READ THE TEXT surrounding the video. In most cases, articles are intended for you to both read all the text and watch all the videos; they are not duplicates of each other, but contain different information. I can't tell you how many questions I get that arise from watching a video, but not reading the line of text right under the video.
  • The extra buttons that appear under the videos when playing allow you to easily skip back and forward, which can be helpful when tying along. If you use the fullscreen button in that row (instead of on the video), it'll expand the video not so much as to obscure the control buttons (this may be less useful on phones, sorry).
  • You can change the playback speed to slow down a video in the settings menu that appears inside the video frame.

Why You Should Listen to Me

Fundamentally, I don't think anyone should do anything just because I say so. If you're skeptical, use your own powers of reason, analysis, and experimentation to discover the truth. But while maintaining a certain healthy skepticism of experts, we also desperately need them; there isn't time in the day to figure out everything ourselves. So here are some reasons you might consider me credible:

  • I've taught bondage classes since 2009, in 20+ cities across 3 continents; both my own courses with long-term students, and presenting at many of the largest rope conferences. My recommendations are based not just on my own experience as a rope top, but from seeing what works for a large number of students in many different contexts.
  • My opinions are my own; I'm not the disciple of any one master, or licensee of any school. This means I am not beholden to burnishing the reputation of some particular style/lineage; I can be honest about both benefits and drawbacks of different approaches.
  • I've learned from a wide variety of experts and innovators from all over the world, including Japan; I'm interested in what works, more than where it came from.
  • I don't receive compensation for recommending any product, resource, or other teacher.

On balance, here are some of the limitations of my perspective:

  • Rope is not my full-time job. While that might make me more connected to the needs of amateurs, there are full-time professionals who probably tie 10x or 20x as much as I do, on a weekly basis.
  • I've never been a regular rope bottom; I tie dozens of times for every time I get tied.
  • Being a straight man influences my experience of bondage in a variety of ways, including that I most frequently tie people who are not much bigger than I am.