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Osada / Kinoko Style 3TK [Level 7]
You should review the following safety information before attempting this tie:
It's recommended to learn the following techniques before attempting this one:
- Slipped Overhand Knot
- Keeping the Center
- Lark's Head Double Column
- Wrists over Head to Back
- Sheet Bend Rope Extension
- Shinju
- Somerville Bowline
- 2 Rope Takate Kote (Wrap Twice)
- Water Knot
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This entry covers a range of very similar 3-rope TK variants, generally considered to be derived from the style of Akechi Denki. In particular, this is the style of 3TK taught by Osada Ryu and Hajime Kinoko.
Neither of the below sources are "official" versions of the respective instructors' ties, and some of what's said about them is also inaccurate to my mind -- but they provide a good sense of the general approach.