Quick Shoulder Harness [Level 1]

  There are 5 techniques you should learn before this one. Click here to add this tie as a goal and see them in order.

Notes and Resources:

This is a very simple, very quick tie to create a harness high on the chest which can be used as an anchor point for further tying.

Starting from back, thread center bight forward under one armpit, up over same shoulder, across back of neck, down front of opposite shoulder, back under second armpit. Align bight and behind-the-neck rope in center of back between shoulders, and pull long end of rope through both, forming an X. Lock off with half-hitch.

Optionally, use remaining rope to lock together shoulder wraps across the front of the chest.


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    LazDaka | Oct 31st, 2015 1:39pm PDT #

    I see this as a Mt Fuji style harness, but without the boxtie in place it seems like the ropes under the armpits would dig in... particularly if the loading becomes parrallel with the body. (with a boxtie in place, the rope is run under cinches which would prevent this.. I assume the strain would be transferred to the outer arm wraps in that case). You mentioned using this harness for "something" to attach to front or back... Would something in this case be limited to training and floorwork (wrist, hair tie, etc..) or would you use this for suspension with any specific concerns? I'm interested in understanding the mechanics of how the body loads against ties the best I can.

    Thank you for all the great instructional videos you provide!

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      Topologist | Oct 31st, 2015 3:05pm PDT #

      I wouldn't use this for suspension as shown here, although the same concepts can be used to build special-purpose suspension harnesses.

      One of the tricky things about this tie is definitely keeping it from digging into the armpits. If you tie it somewhat loosely, then when you do the "Mt Fuji" crossing pattern at the end, you can pull the rope under the arms down out of the armpits as you tightening it in toward the center, and the tension will then hold it there.

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