Rescue Exercise: Lowering to Ground [Level 4]

  There are 24 techniques you should learn before this one. Click here to add this tie as a goal and see them in order.


If simultaneous lower is possible:

  • Prep hips by unwrapping hip line to 3:1, then adding munter, then securing with locked quick release
  • Prep chest by unwrapping to 3:1; add munter only if needed for control
  • Holding chest line in one hand, use other hand to release hips; lower both

If simultaneous lower is not possible:

  • If head above body, first lower chest to horizontal
  • If still unconscious, lower everything except chest, then chest

If a horizontal position does not cause them to come around, diagnosis is unclear; thus speed trumps comforts!

The ability to reach the ground in this situation is why not using short support lines, or leftover rope for support lines, is crucial!

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